
2TRONIC - Talk To Me

Golden Factory Paradise
2TRONIC - Talk To Me (Golden Factory Paradise)

2TRONIC "Talk To Me"

The new track TALK TO ME by 2TRONIC impresses with a clear song structure that is the ultimate call to dance. When the first dance drop starts with the driving house beat nailed to the spot together with the massive bass sound and the cool vocal shots, which also represent the clear recognition for this track, it pulls you onto the dance floor or lets you groove along to the beat wherever the track is playing. After a sustaining break, it then goes into the 2nd drop, which then heats up the mood until the end of the track. TALK TO ME by 2TRONIC, a great house club track, made for dancing, now available to stream or download.

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Golden Factory Paradise


Eingestiegen Platz 72 am 06.12.2024
Höchste Punktzahl 207 am 20.12.2024
Höchste Platzierung 45
Wochen platziert 6


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