
LAS CHICAS & MC CHIC - Hale, Hey Louise

TB Clubtunes/KNM
LAS CHICAS & MC CHIC - Hale, Hey Louise (TB Clubtunes/KNM)

LAS CHICAS & MC CHIC "Hale, Hey Louise"

We present to you the new dance project duo called "Las Chicas" with a new remake of the 70's song “Hale Hey Louise” originally by the artist Ricky King. This was the first single from Dieter Bohlen wich reached GOLD in germany!! "Las Chicas" (Anna and Sophie) are two european vocalists/DJs active in Formentera with their first musical experience as producers. With the help of MC Chic, a rapper and dancer working on the island, they have created 2 versions of the song, one in a happy techno key, the other in a club dancefloor mood. The sound is fresh and strong! By the way, Las Chicas listened to the original track for the first time just a few months ago, finding an old 45 vinyl of the song in a vintage Spanish record shop. They were fascinated by the song so we greet their musical debut with pleasure!

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TB Clubtunes


Eingestiegen Platz 82 am 10.01.2025
Höchste Punktzahl 113 am 10.01.2025
Höchste Platzierung 77
Wochen platziert 4


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