
AMTRAC - Those Days

Tiger/Kontor/Kontor New Media
AMTRAC - Those Days (Tiger/Kontor/Kontor New Media)


AMTRAC - Those Days

Tiger Records in co-operation with Mark Knight's very influential record label Toolroom presents the stunning single Those Days by the upcoming USA based talent Amtrac. With releases on remixes on big superstars like on the latest anthem Heroes by Alesso featuring Tove Lo Amtrac is moving towards big recognition and success in the coming months.

He is one of the hottest properties in the house scene and if you check out Those Days you will understand straight away why there is so much hype and growing interest around his name. The track is a wonderful hybrid of driving deep moody basslines, feel good piano melodies, chunky danceable groove and irresistible rhythm combined with cool vocal samples played around adding that old school flavour to it.

Electronic synths melted together with pounding basslines and even in the breakdown he adds his breaks style section to blow the minds away. Those Days is perfectly tuned with the current wave of deep house music that dominates clubs and charts offering a nice entry point to anyone who is not in electronic music but he is interested to explore this music genre further!

Absolutely essential tune of 2014 from an artist that will bloom in 2015!

100% Tiger Weekend Weapon. #Love I


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Tiger Records
Kontor Records


Eingestiegen Platz 80 am 08.12.2014
Höchste Punktzahl 234 am 15.12.2014
Höchste Platzierung 58
Wochen platziert 4


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