
SHAAN - Mumbai

Tiger/Kontor/Kontor New Media
SHAAN - Mumbai (Tiger/Kontor/Kontor New Media)


SHAAN - Mumbai

The number 1 EDM record label from Germany presents the first release on Tiger records from Shaan from India that is called Mumbai. The track already has amazing response on soundcloud with extensive positive feedback including comments such as : Time to Dance Now, Superb Love It, Nice Work Dude, Love The Build Up, Awesome Man and many more positive and truly encouraging words.

The track follows the well known production style of the epic progressive house style that is played mainly on big rooms and huge festival arenas. The arrangement is straight forward with melodic sweet and emotional breakdown that includes euphoric pumping sequence along with uplifting synths followed by the aggressive in your face drop that will be hard to stand when you hear it.

There is no better feeling than letting all the inhibitions go and indifferent of your age to start jumping and pumping along the those heavy raw beats. The second breakdown is even longer with an excellent swirling hypnotising synthy riff supported by claps, euphoric feel good synthy stabs and uplifting pumping section before the maddening bass return for the fearsome drop. Everywhere in the world at the moment this youthful energetic style is played and there is no return. India is well known for its amazing festivals and Shaan influenced from their intense atmosphere showcases his great abilities with this Mumbastic fantastic smasher.

100% Festivals Tiger Weapon. Love It


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Tiger Records
Kontor Records


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