
DAVE KURTIS - La Trompeta

Tiger/Kontor/Kontor New Media
DAVE KURTIS - La Trompeta (Tiger/Kontor/Kontor New Media)

Tiger Records IBIZA Promo Power

DAVE KURTIS - La Trompeta

When you check out for the first time the brand new Tiger Records weapon La Trompeta you are pretty sure that is produced from a hot Latin guy somewhere in Brazil. The truth is that behind this ultimate party smasher is the hot German house dj & producer Dave Kurtis from Dusseldorf who has countless hits under his belt and he knows what the global audience demand and Dave simply deliver hit after hit! La Trompeta is a brilliant deep tech house smasher with fantastic techy groove, deep funky basslines, cool vocal samples and of course one of the most infectious sexy trumpet melodies that you will hear this summer.

You press play and you feel summer coming from all over the place. Wear your sombrero hat, take your favourite fruit punch in your hand and get ready for hot parties. On the beach bars, late night clubs or open air festivals La Trompeta is a banger! Don't even think to miss it!

100% Tiger Records ladies pleaser guaranteed!

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Tiger Records
Kontor Records


Eingestiegen Platz 92 am 21.07.2014
Höchste Punktzahl 146 am 28.07.2014
Höchste Platzierung 83
Wochen platziert 2


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