
LEO ABERER FEAT. SHAGGY - Football Minha Vida

Munix/Kontor New Media
LEO ABERER FEAT. SHAGGY - Football Minha Vida (Munix/Kontor New Media)

LEO ABERER is a Pure-bred Musician. Ever since his the age of 7 LEO has dedicated his life to Music and mastered not only writing Songlyrics, but multiple Instruments.

The Guitar is his usual accompaniment and Trademark. He has released 40 singles, 7 Albums and achieved 7 High Chartpositions. Over 700 concerts around the world and Playing alongside such Famous acts as Rod Stewart, Dr. Alban, Ll Cool J., Sasha, Earth Wind and Fire, Simple Minds and Right Said Fred was followed by Collaborating with ''Mister Lover Lover'' himself, SHAGGY.

The two exceptional talents (who've known each other for years now) let their love for Football inspire them to record a Football hymn for the World Championship in Brasil.

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Munix Music


Eingestiegen Platz 38 am 30.06.2014
Höchste Punktzahl 601 am 14.07.2014
Höchste Platzierung 21
Wochen platziert 6


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