

PORCELAIN BLACK - One Woman Army (RedOne)

Emerging from a long studio session PORCELAIN BLACK dodges the sun by shifting between shadows. The radiant and dour seem to follow the singer wherever she goes, and she loves it. '''Everything that I do is a mix of light and dark,'' she says.

'''The contrast represents my music and my personality.''

Fusing hard-hitting rock roots with the sticky, pulsating beats of producer RedOne (Usher, U2, Jennifer Lopez, Enrique Iglesias, Pitbull, Nicki Minaj), BLACK has created a sound she likens to the would-be offspring of Marilyn Manson and Britney Spears. ''It’s industrial, dark, danceable pop,''she says. ''Bad ass and positive.''

While visiting RedOne's studio BLACK's vibe and epic vocals made an instant impact. ''I wanted to sign her on the spot,'' RedOne recalls. ''She reminded me of Joan Jett. She's got it all: the attitude, the talent, the look. She can scream and do things with her voice that nobody can do. She is uncompromising in pursuing her own creative vision. She's taking everything that's old and making it futuristic and bringing rock and roll back in her own way.''

Now signed to RedOne Records BLACK's latest single ''One Woman Army'' is set to make noise and get people singing and dancing. Following her parent's separation when she was 6, BLACK's mother remarried into a cookie cutter lifestyle. ''My mom really wanted me to fit into that,'' she recalls. ''It made me feel corrupt.''

At 15 BLACK discoveredher father had cancer and was kicked out of two high schools in three months. ''I never fit in,'' she says. ''My dad was dying of cancer and people were treating me like shit. I was a loner.''

At age 16 her father died, but not before leaving a lasting musical mark on his daughter.

''My first concert was ACDC with my dad,'' she remembers. ''We'd listen to Led Zeppelin, David Bowie, and Jimi Hendrix''.

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Eingestiegen Platz 90 am 07.04.2014
Höchste Punktzahl 188 am 28.04.2014
Höchste Platzierung 70
Wochen platziert 2


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