

Tiger/Kontor/Kontor New Media
BASSJACKERS - Crackin (Tiger/Kontor/Kontor New Media)

Tiger Records Hit Promo

BASSJACKERS - Crackin (Martin Garrix Edit)

Tiger Records presents the absolute Miami Winter Music Conference Weapon that is causing already huge buzz in the EDM scene. BASSJACKERS who are considered to be one of the most in demand producers and djs in the EDM world at the moment deliver their brand new killer banger ''Crackin''. The news are becoming even better as the hottest property in the music industry is doing his edit. Martin Garrix well known for his huge anthems Animals and Wizard amongst other delivers an excellent super tight and solid edit that will keep you entertained all night long.
''Crackin'' is a powerful electro smasher with crunchy beats, rough basslines and cool synthy stabs on top to energise the club faith fulls to the maximum. The breakdown is really mellow and sweet at first but very soon the euphoric synthy riffs are coming to the surface to blow the speakers and drive the crowd absolutely mad and furious. The drop is fat and ultra nasty with cracking beats, rave style synthy leads, hardstyle manic basslines and amazing feel good rhythm to party hard all night long!

Tiger Records ''Crackin'' smasher Guaranteed.

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Tiger Records
Kontor Records


Eingestiegen Platz 54 am 31.03.2014
Höchste Punktzahl 316 am 07.04.2014
Höchste Platzierung 39
Wochen platziert 4


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