

Tiger/Kontor/Kontor New Media
DUBVISION & FIREBEATZ - Rockin (Tiger/Kontor/Kontor New Media)

Tiger Records Hit Promo


Miami Winter Music Conference is just around the corner and Tiger records, the top EDM record label from Germany strikes lucky with another massive release that sounds so hot that can actually burn your speakers so treat it with special care. The monster anthem is called Rockin and is produced by DubVision from The Hague, The Netherlands and Firebeatz from Hilversum, The Netherlands. As you can easily understand we deal here with another monster Dutch house export that dominates charts and playlists of the biggest names in the music industry.
The successful collaboration between the two very experienced duo's has the explosive result that is Rockin. Ist powerful hard house at ist very best. Tough tribalish beats, slamming hardstyle basslines and huge euphoric synthy leads that work like a treat along with cool vocal samples that shout to the crowd ''Everybody's Rockin'' and ''Go''. Superb breakdown that is so intense and exciting that will be impossible to stand still. It will charge your adrenaline levels to the maximum and will increase your stamina too. Great Groove, Crazy Rhythm and Festival atmosphere is what you get when you play this monster banger. It's one of those tracks that have the word global smash hit written all over it!
Tiger Records is Rockin! Love IT

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Tiger Records
Kontor Records


Eingestiegen Platz 82 am 31.03.2014
Höchste Punktzahl 168 am 07.04.2014
Höchste Platzierung 82
Wochen platziert 2


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