
RED CARPET - Alright 2014

Tiger/Hotfingers/Kontor/Kontor New Media
RED CARPET - Alright 2014 (Tiger/Hotfingers/Kontor/Kontor New Media)

Tiger Records & Hotfingers House Masterpiece !!!
RED CARPET - Alright 2014 ( Lucas & Steve Nothing But The Funk Remix) (Tiger Records & Hotfingers )

When the big room, medium room and so and so room ends what remains is the good house music. Tiger records represents a wide variety of high class house acts including Red Carpet and the awesome Alright that now comes back to become a huge monster hit once again thanks to the fresh and very exciting deep tech house remix by Lucas & Steve who outdone themselves and service an exceptional production that shines with class. Deep basslines, techy groovy beats, warm melodies, old school house themes and absolutely smashing female vocal that manage each and every time you hear it to transcend you to another space and mysterious place. Its so reassuring., optimistic, hopeful and confident that everything in our life will be Allright. Top message that we all need to feel in the middle of the dancefloor!! Pure House Power and well deserved remix for this eternal classic! Tiger Records Loves House, and you Love Tiger!

Now Over 2 Weeks : # 1 Beatport House !!!

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Tiger Records
Kontor Records


Eingestiegen Platz 90 am 17.03.2014
Höchste Punktzahl 112 am 17.03.2014
Höchste Platzierung 90
Wochen platziert 1


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