


Mawuli Kulego, Aka Lazee, came to the world in 1985 and was brought up in Malmö, Sweden, with his mom
and two sisters. In 1998, his mother however decided that Malmö didn't provide the right environment for
her son. She therefore sent LAZEE to London where he could ''become something''. Six years later, LAZEE,
moves back to Sweden with the ambition of finishing his first hip-hop album. LAZEE found hip-hop in the early 90s and wrote his first rhyme as a 10-year old. Back then, it was just for fun. The big turning point came when he heard ''Players Anthem'' by Notorious Big. During his years in London, LAZEE did several tracks for his first mixtape ''It Is What It Is'' Hosted by the no 1 Urban Dj Kay Slay(NY). Back in Sweden, Lazee passionately spent most of his time in the studio recording. He then hooks up with Producer Ishi and together they start working on a new sound. A new and fresh sound. A hybrid of hip-hop, house, grime and drum&bass, with a dash of R&B. All this topped by Lazee's lyrical rhymes, always deli-vered with high energy. It was this sound that got SONY BMG's Scandinavia attention with ''Rock Away'', the first single from his forthcoming album ''Setting Standards''.
LAZEE had a flying start. Without the single being officially released, it came out of nowhere and rushed in
on the charts. No 2 on iTunes, Smash Hit of the Week on NRJ, Voice Choice on The Voice and Fresh on MTV,
with over 120 spins a week. LAZEE is a hard working young man who's been brought up in the knowledge that nothing comes for free. His expression is hip-hop, but he's not only a hip-hop artist, he's an entertainer.
He has the confidence, the attitude and, above all, the talent, to take him all the way. In the words of Pro-
ducer, collaborator and friend Ishi: ''The whole world is our playing field, and that's our goal''.

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