
KALVARO - Ride On Time

TB Clubtunes/KNM
KALVARO - Ride On Time (TB Clubtunes/KNM)

KALVARO "Ride On Time"

KALVARO is a french Dj. He has released differents singles with Scorpio Music, Blanco Y Negro,.. .; played on big radios stations. He has done also lot of remixes in different styles for Mico c, Alex Ferrari, Kelyan Muller, Molio,…released on Universal, PlayTwo, Kyz Records… His last single is a cover of BlackBox with the huge track RIDE ON TIME with the new vocal of Anna, Italian Singer with powerfull voice ! There is 3 versions available including Molio Remix & Chelero Remix, very strong ready to become a big hit again ! Stay Tuned !!

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TB Clubtunes


Eingestiegen Platz 60 am 16.12.2022
Höchste Punktzahl 508 am 20.01.2023
Höchste Platzierung 21
Wochen platziert 9


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