
BOLTE & DAVE BO - Sax On The Beach

TB Media/KNM
BOLTE & DAVE BO - Sax On The Beach (TB Media/KNM)

BOLTE & DAVE BO "Sax On The Beach"

The idea for this track came about in a bar through a pun on the similar-sounding cocktail... In the implementation, Bolte once again let his creativity run free in terms of melody. Thanks to the play on words, he didn't have to think long about a suitable instrument with which to play the melody. In the search for a talented saxophonist, Dave Bo was the clear choice. After hearing the demo track, Dave Bo loved it and agreed to collaborate. Thanks to his ability to play the saxophone and his creativity, he has given the melody his own style. All in all, this track exudes a super "happy hour" feeling and therefore fits perfectly with a refreshing cocktail!

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TB Media


Eingestiegen Platz 88 am 02.09.2022
Höchste Punktzahl 124 am 02.09.2022
Höchste Platzierung 88
Wochen platziert 1


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