
SHANE GUNN - What Is This?

TB Media/KNM
SHANE GUNN - What Is This? (TB Media/KNM)

SHANE GUNN "What Is This?"

"To the left to the right, Shake your hips make it tight, Up and down turn arround, Move your body to the sound“

With these sentences the Dj Producer SHANE GUNN from Germany would like to motivate with his new clubbig trashy single "What Is This"? everybody worldwide, no matter if young or old, to keep themselves fit. He wrote the song, when the world was in lockdown because of the Corona Pandemic 2021. The Special progressive bass sound and the groovy house beat makes the track very special and unique. SHANE GUNN wanted to keep himself fit at home and came up with the great idea to share his motivation with the world. With the right dance moves the fun and a Tik Tok challenge is guaranteed!

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TB Media


Eingestiegen Platz 95 am 01.07.2022
Höchste Punktzahl 124 am 08.07.2022
Höchste Platzierung 78
Wochen platziert 3


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