
TITO PUENTE - Oye Como Va (Latin House Remix)

TITO PUENTE - Oye Como Va (Latin House Remix) (ZYX)

TITO PUENTE "Oye Como Va (Latin House Remix)"

"Oye Como Va"?
"Hey, how is it going"?
„Hey, wie geht's“?
A classic of the 60s by the Mambo King TITO PUENTE.
This remix combines everything a hit needs.
The producer team behind the remix is successful in the dance & dj charts worldwide for years.
This collaboration is a sonic journey that leaves us begging for more.
"Bootmasters & Tom Pulse & C.R. Easy" have teamed up to delight the eardrums once more.

Hit Alert!

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Eingestiegen Platz 42 am 06.09.2021
Höchste Punktzahl 421 am 04.10.2021
Höchste Platzierung 28
Wochen platziert 10


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