
MEKKI MARTIN - Beats 4 You

Tiger/Kontor/Kontor New Media
MEKKI MARTIN - Beats 4 You (Tiger/Kontor/Kontor New Media)


MEKKI MARTIN - Beats 4 You

Mekki Martin is a professional DJ, producer and a resident DJ in the Tabarin Club in Brno, one of the most popular Czech clubs with a 22 year old history. He is upcoming and quickly rising to the international scene with releases on top labels. His latest one comes with a bang on Tiger records and is called Beats 4 You.

The track is absolutely essential for any big room dj set or massive festival arena mainstage show. Rough wonky stomping beats, pumping hardstyle basslines, feel good claps, cinematic atmosphere and melodramatic melody in the breakdown along with the twisted synthy riff followed by intense build up until to reach the moment that the banging bass strikes back for the aggressive no holes barred drop that will bring mayhem on the dancefloor and crazy reactions from the clubbers who will jump, run and act like animals without rationality because they care only to enjoy the moment and feel the energy rush from head to toe. The title says it all.

These maddening Beats are 4 You! Give Me a Fat Beat, Can You Handle IT?

100% Tiger EDM Weapon !!!


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Tiger Records
Kontor Records


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