
GREENFIELD - Feel The Music

Tiger/Kontor/Kontor New Media
GREENFIELD - Feel The Music (Tiger/Kontor/Kontor New Media)


GREENFIELD - Feel The Music

Tiger Records goes back 2 basics and presents the feel good anthem Feel The Music from Greenfield. The original mix is an excellent 90's revival house style track with deep bubbly basslines, pumping hypnotic groove, classic house organ riffs and well-known male vocal sample that invite us to feel the music in our soul. With Ibiza house influences and balearic atmosphere along with infectious trumpet riffs Feel The Music works like a treat to bring back memories from the good old days without sounding dated or superficial. The reason for its success are the simple and highly effective ingredients without overloading it with effects and gimmicks.

It is an unstoppable party animal that was played frequently in many ADE parties and will be played even more on clubs and radio stations during the winter nights. The deeper mix as the title suggests is the deep house rendition of the original with superb xylophone like melodies, classic organ riffs, inspiring vocals and top breakdown where the mouthwatering trumpet hook comes to the forefront. If you like it deeper with vintage feel and 90's revival atmosphere don't miss this top 2nd version that completes the final package in the finest and most glossy way. 100% Tiger ADE Weapon!

Taken from TIGER RECORDS ADE WEAPONS 2014 - Out now!


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Tiger Records
Kontor Records


Eingestiegen Platz 66 am 17.11.2014
Höchste Punktzahl 168 am 17.11.2014
Höchste Platzierung 66
Wochen platziert 3


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