

Tiger/Kontor/Kontor New Media
JAY FROG & PASCAL DOLLÉ - Silver Screen (Tiger/Kontor/Kontor New Media)

Tiger Hit Promo

Jay Frog & Pascal Dolle - Silver Screen

Jay Frog from Hamburg, Germany is an established dj and producer with countless international smash hits under his belt. With stunning dj sets in well known festivals like Nature One, Airbeat One, the legendary Love Parade and regular performances in countries such as Taiwan, Japan, Africa, Russia, Dubai, U.S, Ibiza, the brilliant producer evolves and progresses his sound by keeping his tracks fresh and danceable. The latest production on Tiger records, Germany's Number 1 house label is his collaboration with Pascal Dolle for the fantastic update on Felix da Housecat evergreen classic Silver Screen.

The track is tottaly reshaped, reformed and reworked with the current deep house wave in their back of their mind that takes the global club scene by storm. Deep pounding basslines, chunky techy groove and electro sharp industrial synths are perfectly arranged along with the well known vocals of the original that are re-recorded.

The package includes the club and the original mix that can be played in big rooms and drive the clubbers insane. The original mix follows faithfully the dark moody filthy atmosphere of the original while the Club mix is upfront and driving with additional melodies and synthy plucks that support its goal to captivate the minds and souls. If you think that classics can not get any better be sure to check this release!

100% ADE Tiger Weapon !


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Tiger Records
Kontor Records


Eingestiegen Platz 74 am 17.11.2014
Höchste Punktzahl 333 am 01.12.2014
Höchste Platzierung 32
Wochen platziert 6


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