
DREW HILL - Talk To You

Armada/Kontor/Kontor New Media
DREW HILL - Talk To You (Armada/Kontor/Kontor New Media)

Michelle Drew & Philipp Hill AKA DREW HILL unleash their first release, the outstanding ''Talk To You'' with remixes by Groove Armada and Brodanse.

The release kicks off with the original version of ''Talk To You''.
A deep, spacious vocal house track. Driven by the purest of vocals, deep chords and essential perc hits.

Next on the A side is the Brodanse Remix of ''Talk To You''.
A deep driving tech groover which takes elements from the original and drives them onto a darker, harder level.

Last but by no means least, Groove Armada's Remix.
An epic, emotive piano chord led interpretation of the original mix which is a sure classic!

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Armada Music
Kontor Records


Eingestiegen Platz 75 am 03.11.2014
Höchste Punktzahl 136 am 03.11.2014
Höchste Platzierung 72
Wochen platziert 3


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