

Tiger/Kontor/Kontor New Media
SIMON FAVA - D-A-N-C-E (Tiger/Kontor/Kontor New Media)

Tiger Records IBIZA Promo Power

Simon Fava - D-A-N-C-E

There is nothing better than going out on Saturday night with your friends or your loved one at your favourite club to dance and have fun. Even if you drink your multivitamin fruity juice every morning nothing can make you feel more refreshed and more alive than going out and having fun on the dancefloor. Simon Fava from Frankfurt provides one of the coolest deep tech house tracks on Tiger records and invite every single one of you to let all your problems and worries away, enter the dancefloor, be yourself and D-A-N-C-E.

If you love chunky wonky grooves, deep playful basslines, chopped vocal samples along with sexy male dark vocals and female house diva voices blended in perfection with saxophone riffs then better don't look any further than this track. It's funky, happy and feel good to the maximum. Let's be honest if this track doesn't make you move on the dancefloor, you should check your ears.

100% Feel Good Tiger House Weapon. Love iT


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Tiger Records
Kontor Records


Eingestiegen Platz 67 am 01.09.2014
Höchste Punktzahl 166 am 01.09.2014
Höchste Platzierung 67
Wochen platziert 2


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