
SUSHY - Jumpin' Up (Jump)

High Five/Planet Punk/Kontor New Media
SUSHY - Jumpin' Up (Jump) (High Five/Planet Punk/Kontor New Media)

SUSHY was a very unique teenager, and went through phases as a painter, photographer, actress and dancer.

She spent several years as part of the club scene in Milan, singing guest spots and performing for tv shows.

She was so at ease in front of the cameras that at the age of 6 she made her first television appearance as mini assistant beside the most famous italian showman "Mike Bongiorno" gaving numerous vocal performances during the show.

This year SUSHY came out with the single "Jumpin' Up (Jump)", platinum success in France, included in the "Zumba Fitness Dance Compitalion 2". The song has been in the top five "fitness and workout chart" in Austria, France, Luxemburg, Germany, Switzerland and it still climbing up the radio charts in Czech Republic, Poland, Spain, Germany and South America.

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High Five Records
Planet Punk Music


Eingestiegen Platz 46 am 21.07.2014
Höchste Punktzahl 464 am 28.07.2014
Höchste Platzierung 23
Wochen platziert 3


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