
LEONY! - Ilarie

Tiger/Kontor/Kontor New Media
LEONY! - Ilarie (Tiger/Kontor/Kontor New Media)


LEONY! - Ilarie

Tiger records presents the brand new global smash by the well known singer Leony!

That is destined to become one of the next Miami Winter Music Conference weapons that will be played very often at Miami parties and beyond It's going to become favourite for many classic house style jocks for sure. It includes two massive remixes by Dave Kurtis and the Italian sensation Criminal Vibes. Dave Kurtis translates the track as a mindblowing tribal latin house anthem packed with great live drums and fantastic percussion, dark deep basslines and ethnic style vocals that enhance the party experience even more.

It's going to lock you in ist groove easily and the rhythm is so hooky and irresistible that you will feel obliged to dance all night along with it. Hands will stay in the air and smile in your face. Let the sun shine and enjoy this pre-summer vibes in your heart. Criminal Vibes remix is awesome as well and will be super hard to choose between the two for your favourite remix. Tribal drums, deep funky basslines, playful female vocal samples and organic instruments turn this track into the next big party cracker that will excite the crowd and particularly the girls on the dancefloor will adore to shake their bodies along with ist erotic rhythm.

No Tiger records No Summer Parties! Love It

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Tiger Records
Kontor Records


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