
DVBBS & VINAI - Raveology

Tiger/Kontor/Kontor New Media
DVBBS & VINAI - Raveology (Tiger/Kontor/Kontor New Media)

Tiger records reveals the latest club anthem that is about to rock your world and make you fall in love with EDM for ever. Get ready for the arrival of the ultimate Miami Winter Music Conference party anthem and beatport top 100 number 1 Raveology. Its the brain child of the massive collaboration between DVBBS & VINAI. DVBBS from Los Angeles USA, are well known for the massive banger Tsunami along with Borgeous that even manage to reach the number 1 position at the UK Top 40 this week.
The upcoming Italian duo VINAI cooperated amongst others with the German Micha Moor and the Italian legend Presiozo. Raveology is tailor made for heavy usage and big damage on open air festivals, big room clubs and radio shows as well. It starts straight away with tough kicks, hoovering like siren sounds, side chain effects and raw in your face bassline that will blow the speakers. It builds and builds until to reach the moment that the naughty vocal sample is introduced and the pumping playful bassline comes in upon the cracking beats to deliver the ultimate mayhem. The breakdown is the moment that the old school rave style synthy riffs are coming to the surface to remind you that Rave will always be around and is too hard to die. Rave comes back with a vengeance and Raveology is a huge manifestation of it! If you search for the ultimate party banger don't look any further. It's simply irresistable on any dancefloor and so infectious!
No Tiger records, No Rave Party! Love IT

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Tiger Records
Kontor Records


Eingestiegen Platz 88 am 10.02.2014
Höchste Punktzahl 298 am 17.02.2014
Höchste Platzierung 43
Wochen platziert 9


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