
R3HAB & NERVO & UMMET OZCAN - Revolution

Tiger/Kontor/Kontor New Media
R3HAB & NERVO & UMMET OZCAN - Revolution (Tiger/Kontor/Kontor New Media)

Tiger Records Hit Promo

R3HAB & NERVO & UMMET OZCAN - Revolution

When the most in demand producer and dj from Breda, The Netherlands meets the hottest Australian female dj duo and the most successful producer and dj from Amsterdam, The Netherlands the result can only be revolutionary. R3hab & Nervo & Ummet Ozcan combined their talents for the massive track Revolution that first surfaced as instrumental cut. Powerful club banger with superb heavy kick, killer dirty dutch style bassline and euphoric epic synthy riffs that will blow your mind from the very first second that will hit your ears.

Its success was so enormous with Beatport Top 100 number 1 that the beloved Nervo add their inspirational lyrics to encourage young people to start their peaceful revolution through the medium of EDM music. Nervo are fantastic singers and their indie rock performance on that track works perfectly within the heavy and super hard beats. Now the Revolution on the dancefloor is bigger and better than ever accompanied from the Mad Max futuristic style music video that has already more than 4.500.000 views on YouTube.

Revolution got the full hearted support from the biggest superstar djs in the scene and the vote of the EDM fans in global scale that purchase this single. No Tiger records No Revolution on the dancefloor!

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Tiger Records
Kontor Records


Eingestiegen Platz 93 am 24.03.2014
Höchste Punktzahl 329 am 21.04.2014
Höchste Platzierung 33
Wochen platziert 8


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